Permissions in the OPEN A2 category allow you to fly a classed drone with a weight between 900g and 4kg or a drone without a class between 500g and 2kg at a distance of 30m from people.
Course description
Theoretical training on the e-learning platform and examination for the acquisition of the European Certificate of Competence for pilots of drones, which entitles them to operate within sight of the VLOS category OPEN A2 throughout the European Union. The course consists of the following subjects:
You will pass the exam on our dedicated e-learning platform. A webcam is required. The exam consists of 40 questions. To pass the exam, you must receive 75% of the correct answers.
The exams take place every Tuesday at 18:00. (CET) via the ZOOM platform. It is recommended to install the ZOOM application. Examination under the supervision of an examiner.
If you have failed the test, you will have to buy the test again and register for the next exam. You have one exam attempt for one fee.
Each certificate is valid for five years. Your certificate was issued by Poland. The minimum age at which you can apply for a European drone license is 16 years in Poland.