At noon, a training session of racing drone pilots started on a specially prepared track, thus starting the Polish Championships. For the first time, a drone racing competition was organized in the hall on such a scale, in which the audience could admire both the LED-lit racing track and the glowing drones.
23 pilots from all over Poland joined the race, many of whom we could admire earlier during the series of Polish Cup races held at the turn of June and August this year. A technically difficult track awaited all the competitors, the obstacles of which were located both on the hall’s surface, on the excluded part of the stands, as well as those suspended in the air.
This time there was also a video transmission on a large screen located in the hall, where you could see shots from cameras placed on drones, i.e. the same view that racing pilots see in their special goggles. The whole was complemented by shots from the track, from the pilots’ zone as well as shots of commentators who led the gathered audience through the races, explaining, among others, the rules of the competition, the specificity of FPV drone flights as well as the current positions of the competitors in the competition table.
As part of a parallel event organized by the Silesian Aviation Cluster held in the Arena Hall conference room under the name Silesian Days of Aviation and Drones, an all-day conference devoted to the broadly understood aviation industry was held.
Congratulations to all winners! We invite you to watch a short interview with the Polish Champion – Paweł Laszczak right after his win.
Organizator: World Drone Pilots Organization
Współorganizatorzy: Śląski Klaster Lotniczy, Województwo Śląskie, Metropolia GZM, Team FailSafe
Patronat honorowy: Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki, Prezydent Miasta Gliwice Pan Adam Neumann
Partnerzy: Arena Gliwice, Urząd Miasta Gliwice,, Dronpol, LTA Design, Mojito Agencja Kreatywna, PsychoStudio, Let It Drone, NOBSHOP, Under Ant, FAI, Aeroklub Polska
Patroni medialni: Radio CCM, TVP3, TVS,, Dla Pilota, Nowiny Gliwickie