The panelists included:
- Agnieszka Fitrzyk – Marshal’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship
- Andrzej Guła – Polish Smog Alert
- Rafał Dydak – President of the Corporation of Masters of Chimney Sweepers of the Silesian Voivodeship;
- Marcin Dziekański – Metropolis GZM, CEDD
- Dorota Cabańska – Chief Inspector of Building Supervision
- Dominik Lewandowski – Doctor
- Piotr Budzisz – Żywiec energy of the future;
- Paweł Waszek – Breathe Beskidami Foundation;
- Mariusz Sumara – World Drone Pilots Organization
The conference was organized by: WDPO and the Oddychaj Beskidami foundation.