Join us on 29 June from 12:00 to 14:00 in the ODLOT Restaurant Hall at Muchowiec Airport in Katowice (Lotnisko 1) to participate in a hybrid workshop: “Drones 2050: What went wrong?”


The workshop will be devoted to the analysis of selected scenarios of drone use in the perspective of 5, 10, 15 years and potential threats to the implementation of such operations by looking for analogies to successes and failures resulting from past experience in introducing innovative technologies in other areas. Based on the assumptions of the ASSURED-UAM project, funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON 2020 Program..

We invite you to 2 active hours in the INNOVATION ZONE WUF11.

In a hybrid formula – in the workshop room and online – let’s talk about the acceptance of drone services. This is an important topic and requires the involvement of participants, hence we are planning activating workshop forms (including SLIDO) allowing for the integration of participants.

Based on project knowledge and European sources, we will work in groups

-looking for potential opportunities and threats when introducing specific drone services,

-determining the conditions that must be met to make these services acceptable.

-We want to work internationally. We enable communication in Polish and English.

-Join us, meet interesting partners and have your say in the discussion on the directions of the drone industry development.

-Download the free SLIDO app to your smartphone

-Take your thoughts and a charged phone with you to active work. 



 12.00 – 12.20 WELCOME

Let us know your thoughts on drones. Are they necessary? Can they be compared to anything? What implementations do you consider viable?


To inspire discussion we will present some facts and project scenarios developed within the ASSURED-UAM project

12.40 – 13.00 BREAK

Time for relaxation and networking

13.00 – 13.40 GROUP WORK

The task is to evaluate the developed scenarios – their opportunities and threats, as well as to develop guidelines for the implementation of drone services based on good practices from the implementation of other solutions.


We hope for an international brainstorming session and many recommendations to be applied to the project and the activities of the GZM Metropolis.

